(This week I am writing about who influences us. Next week I plan to write about those we influence. The answer to both questions gives insight into who we are as individuals.)
Multiple sources of influence touch our lives on a daily basis. Some of these are positive in nature while others are negative. Advertisements appear in print, as video commercials, and even as slogans on a person's clothing. Each of this type of influencer has one main purpose - buy the product being advertised.
Politicians influence us seeking two possible outcomes. First, they want us to vote for them to get them elected. Second, they want us to financially donate to their campaigns. Celebrities may appear as a supporter for a politician or for a product. Either way the celebrity is saying that because he or she is famous, we should follow their example. Even a book can be an influencer as the author emphasizes a certain belief, practice, or way of life in order to encourage the reader to adopt the author's view point.
By now you may be thinking - "I will not let anything or anyone influence me." Your next thought should be - "but that is impossible." We are all influenced by close friends, teachers, and family members. Our parents were some of the greatest influencers in our lives particularly in our early years of life. I know that my wife and my children greatly influence my thinking and my use of time in very positive ways.
Recalling my years of formal education, I had many teachers and professors who influenced my thinking positively by stimulating me to research and to consider whether certain concepts and theories should be embraced or rejected. Other instructors tried to influence me not to think for myself but rather to just accept their teaching as the only view a person should hold.
It is at this point that we must make a decision as to whether to accept the influencers that touch our lives or to reject them. For me personally, the greatest influencer in my life is found in the Bible as God reveals Himself through the sixty-six books as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. The Bible captures the record of His words and actions through real people. It is there that I find the consistency of God's reliability, trustworthiness, love, grace, and mercy. Likewise, those individuals that God chose and annointed to record these words and actions carry a reliability and trustworthiness because of their relationship to the Living and True God.
In the New Testament, Paul emerges as one of those that God used to record His Word and actions. In Paul's letter to the Philippians, Paul encouraged the people to let certain thoughts be influential in their lives. Philippians 4:8-9 gives us these words:
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable,
if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise,
think about these things. What you have learned and received and
heard and seen in me—practice these things,
and the God of peace will be with you."
Every person must have a filter to use in accepting or rejecting those things that seek to influence us. It is great to have trusted friends, a loving family, and some life experiences to use as filters. But these are not sufficent by themselves. Make sure that your ultimate filter is the Word of God and His self-revelation through Jesus Christ. The reality is that each of us, including our friends and family, are all fallible. We can misinterpret our life experiences. Ultimately, it is only the one true living God - the God of creation, redemption, and life sustainability who can always be trusted to influence us correctly.
May your week be sustained by the presence of the Lord who can walk you successfully through the path of countless influencers.
You hit a bullseye with this Brother Gary. Thank you for speaking truth.🙂