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Honoring Thanksgiving - Week Three

Gary Loudermilk

After writing about Thanksgivng and our need to give thanks, this week I am letting the words of others set the tone for Thanksgiving. A song and a scripture passage can help us all to focus on giving thanks this Thanksgiving.

Henry Smith wrote and published the song "Give Thanks with a Grateful Heart" in the 1970s. While different people and churches sing this song in their own ways, below is posted the basic lyrics of the song.

"Give thanks with a grateful heart

Give thanks to the Holy One

Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son

And now let the weak say, “I am strong”

Let the poor say, “I am rich”

Because of what the Lord has done for us

Give thanks."

The Bible is also filled with references to giving thanks to God. One of the best known is Psalm 100.

"Make a joyful noise to the Lord, all the earth!

   Serve the Lord with gladness!    

Come into His presence with singing!

Know that the Lord, He is God!

    It is He who made us, and we are His;

    We are His people, and the sheep of His pasture.

Enter His gates with thanksgiving,

    and His courts with praise! 

   Give thanks to Him; bless His name!

 For the Lord is good;

    His steadfast love endures forever, 

   And His faithfulness to all generations."

There are many other thoughts, songs, and scriptures that could be added to this week's article. However, lengthy reading is not what we need right now. We need to just become a more thankful people and give thanks to God who has blessed us, encouraged us, and guided us.

So this week - GIVE THANKS!

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