What do we enjoy telling others about our lives? GOOD NEWS! Our good news might be the announcement of the birth of a baby, the wedding of a loved one, a promotion in a job, the purchase of a new house, or the recovery from an illness or accident. While this list could be expanded greatly, the simple truth is that we like to share good news.
As I conclude this series of postings, let me remind us the original purpose of these articles. I believe that the Bible gives us three primary commandments or instructions that if we follow them, we will also find ourselves obeying the other instructions that God gave us. The three primary ones are to love God with all of our being, to love our neighbors as ourselves, and to tell and teach others about Jesus.
Today I will focus on the one that Jesus gave to His disciples after His crucifixion and resurrection. Matthew 28:18-20 records this instruction of Jesus as follows:
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go
therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching
them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with
you always, to the end of the age."
In summation, Jesus instructed His followers (then and now) to tell and teach others the good news that Jesus is the Son of God, the promised Messiah, and the One who paid the price for our sins that by believing and trusting in Him we might have eternal life (see John 3:16).
My question is this: "Why can we so quickly share good news that affects mainly our own lives (birth of a baby, etc.) but hesitate to just as quickly share the good news of Jesus that affects our lives but can also affect the lives of those to whom we tell this good news? Over the years I have heard many different excuses for failure to share the good news of Jesus.
I might offend someone.
They might ask me a question I can't answer.
I am shy - afraid - lacking in knowledge.
Maybe they have their own belief that is different from mine.
While this list could also be lengthened, give some thought to the following list as a counter balance to the one above.
I am not alone in telling the good news of Jesus. Jesus is with me.
I am not asked to be agressive or to force someone to believe. Jesus said for me to tell.
Causing someone to believe is the work of the Holy Spirit, not me. I am to share the information so that they might have the opportunity for God to change their belief.
Jesus said that He is the way, the truth, and the life. He also said that the only way to God is through Jesus. I just need to share that with others.
I had a good friend that worked in a factory/office setting with many other people. Many of his co-workers would ask him why he always seemed happy and was smiling. He would reply, "if you really want to know, I will be glad to tell you." Then he would share about his personal relationship with Jesus and how they could have that same relationship. He just shared the good news as a natural part of his conversation with a co-worker.
This is my understanding of the primary commandments or instructions that God has given us for our lives. As I learn to love God with my entire being, He, in turn fills me with an overflowing love. With that love, I am able to love others - not just a select few but rather all people. When I genuinely love others, I want the best for them which is Jesus. As a result I will find opportunities to share the good news of Jesus with them. When they want to know more, I will have the opportunity to teach them.
As the world sees these instructions honestly lived out in the lives of Christians, they will be open to hearing and understanding more. Jesus revealed the true nature of God as He lived on earth. Now He calls on us to let that nature be seen through our lives for this generation. Remember, it all goes back to the basics - the primary instructions.
Have a great week.