Last week I listed what I read in the Bible as being 3 primary commandments or instructions that the Lord gave us as Christians. This week we focus on the one that Jesus said was the first or greatest commandment. (A Reminder: I am not a scholarly theologian. Rather, i write as a believer and disciple of Jesus Christ, a reader and student of the Bible, and a practitioner of the Scriptures. In other words, I am a struggling learner and follower of God's truth as are many of us.)
Let me begin by reprinting the passage when the lawyer asked Jesus what is the greatest commandment. Jesus replied in Matthew 22:37:
"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and
with all your soul and with all your mind."
If you looked up that verse in your Bible, you found that Jesus was quoting from Deuteronomy 6:5. However, the Deuteronomy passage ends with "all your might" instead of "all your mind" as Matthew records the passage. If you went deeper in your study, you found that in Mark 12:30 the passage ends "with all your mind and with all your strength." Deuteronomy, Matthew, and Mark all include "with all your heart and with all your soul." While there are some linguistic changes in the passages, all three have the exact same meaning: we are to love God with all that we are - with all of our being - mentally, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
One other difference needs to be noted: Deuteronomy 6:4 and Mark 12:29 both include the first part of the Shema that every Hebrew was to quote three times a day - "Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God , the Lord is one." Most scholars agree that this phrase "is one" is difficult to translate either from the Hebrew or the Greek. Some translations (ex. NASB 1995 and the NEB) state this as "The Lord our God is one Lord." The emphasis here is that God is the only true God. We believe that He is the only God and that He presents Himself in three persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit .
The real question that comes to the minds of those who aren't sure about who God is or whether to be a believer is "why love God with all of one's being?" There are several ways to answer that question. Here is my response:
First, the Bible states in 1 John 4:19 that God loved us first. From a strickly human standpoint we know that it is much easier to love or even like someone who loves or likes us. Once we are aware of their feelings toward us, we can more easily reciprocate those same feelings toward them. God made it easy for us. In Romans 5:8 we are told that while we were still sinners or enemies of God, He showed His love for us by Jesus' death on the cross for our sins. Why should I love God - because He loved me first.
Second, the Bible states in Genesis 1:26-27 that God is our creator. He made us in His own image. We are different than the rest of creation. The stars, planets, water, mountains, foliage, and animals are all His creation, but only people are created in His image. We may think that we are only the product of our parents union. But God created us with the capablility to reproduce. That capability is part of God's unique creation in us. Jeremiah 1:5 states that God knew Jeremiah before He formed him in the womb. That is not unique to Jeremiah but is true of all of us. Why should I love God - because He created me.
Third, the Bible states in John 3:16 that God provided for our redemption. He sent His Son (Jesus) into this world because of His love for us and that by our believing and trusting in Him, we might have eternal life. Jesus' death on the cross (bearing all sin including mine) and His resurrection make it possible for me to believe and receive Him as my savior and Lord. He did for me what I could never have done for myself. I know that one day I will physically die, but that will not be the end. Then I will begin an eternal time In heaven in the presence of the living God. Why should I love God - because He redeemed me for eternity.
Fourth, the Bible states in Psalms 54:4 that God is both our helper and sustainer of our souls. Do you really think you can make it through life by your own creativity, knowledge, and good looks? David knew that he was not alone but rather that God helped him and sustained him. When Jesus told His disciples of His approaching death (John 14), He shared that He was sending them the Holy Spirit to serve as their Helper. He goes on to say that the Holy Spirit will continue to teach them and to remind them of what Jesus had already taught them. We know also that the Holy Spirit is referred to as one who brings comfort, insight, and power to carry out the instructions of the Lord. Why should I love God - because He has not left me on my own in this world, but is constantly with me to guide, help, instruct, and comfort me.
Those are my reasons for loving God with all my being. Maybe you have some others. My prayer is that you will place loving God as the first priority of your life.
Next week we will look at loving our neighbors.